Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just an update

I had planned to write a new post every day or at least every second day, but somehow it just hasn't happened this week. It was (yet another) busy week at work, plus we have my stepson with us this week, which also makes things busier.

On Monday we are having a frostie transferred. Last Wednesday I had another scan. I was very nervous that there would be no follicle and that my cycle would be delayed and all would happen when I'm supposed to be travelling for work in a couple of weeks. But it was fine. I had a 17mm follicle on my left ovary. My FS said my lining was excellent and was "trilaminar". Of course I really didn't know what that was until I came home and consulted Dr Google. Apparently your lining is best if it shows three distinct layers when seen on an ultrasounds. Studies have shown rates of successful pregnancies are higher when a trilaminar lining is seen before transfer. So that's good news.

I had another acupuncture session a couple of days ago. My acupuncturist is so lovely and I feel pretty comfortable around her, but somehow I'm not finding acupuncture as relaxing as I thought I would. Friends have told me how they get really relaxed and one even falls asleep regularly while on the table with needles poking out everywhere!

So back to Monday. This cycle I decided I would take the day of transfer off work. Last time, I had my transfer after a morning meeting at work, then had to go straight back afterwards for another meeting. It wasn't a relaxing day! I am also having acupuncture straight before my transfer and then straight after. I'm still taking the foul smelling and tasting chinese herbs. The mix I'm taking now (from ovulation to transfer) are particularly disgusting. Almost gag stuff.

So fingers crossed this is all not for nothing again!


  1. I don't find acupuncture all that relaxing either but it has definately helped my cycle. The needles really hurt for me sometimes because according to my acupuncturist my 'qi' is completely blocked throughout my whole body. Good. Thankfully it's much better now but I haven't been in several months since my last failed IVF. Will be starting again soon though. Good luck for transfer on Monday!


  2. I'm going to the actupuncturist at St Helens - who is male - but once had acupuncture with someone at Barrack St Practice who was lovely. (That also happened to be the cycle we fell pregnant with Blobby, but the acupuncture wasn't related - I had had shoulder pain that was acutally caused by a muscle I'd pulled in my stomach).

    I think taking the day off work for a transfer is best; it's stressful enough without work. I know some people say it helps take their minds off everything to go back to work, but nothing stops my mind from thinking of it. I just wind up distracted and more stressed.

  3. I go to the one in Barrack street. I really like her and I feel like she is really trying to tailor things just for me. Today was actually quite relaxing, maybe beacuse I wasn't at work? And yes, there is nothing that can take my mind off it either.
