Friday, October 29, 2010

More good news!

Today we had one perfect 2day 4-cell embryo transferred. I looked at it on the tiny tv screen and I thought, this is the one! For some reason I'm feeling really really positive about this one. Well so far anyway!

The other good news is that we now have 7 embryos in the freezer. I think eight embryos from ten eggs is pretty bloody good! I'm proud of my little fighters.

Test date is on a pretty significant day for me, my 36th birthday. A good omen I am hoping.

So I begin the long wait in a very good frame of mind. Even the crap going on a work today wasn't enough to pull me down. No mean feat as work has the capability of stressing me out big time.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Good news so far!

Well I'm very very happy to report that all 10 eggs were considered good enough to try and fertilise. Of the 10, 9 have fertilised! Last time we got 12 eggs, 7 fertilised and we ended up with 5 embryos, so things are looking better so far this time.

Happy girl! (apart from quite a bit of pain today)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ten eggs

Yep, they retrieved 10 eggs at OPU this morning. Much better that I was expecting but I haven't yet found out how many are any good. I'm sure there will be some that are immature and some over mature. Now to play the waiting game again! All this waiting is doing my head in. It's a challenge when you are the most impatient person in the world!

Monday, October 25, 2010

OPU booked in!

Todays scan was a bit better. I have about eight follicles that look like they might be ok. So I did my trigger shot tonight and ovum pick up is on Wednesday.

Fingers crossed!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Scanning and waiting...

Just a little update. I had a scna yesterday to see how my lining is going and how many follicles are growing. I was kinda disappointed though. My LHS ovary has only produced one follicle and it is 15mm. And it really HURTS! My other ovary has produced two 12mm follicles and four that are under 10mm. I was hoping for more, and that they would be more uniform in growth. Scanning again on Monday to see how things are progressing. My lining is trilaminar and 10mm and so I am happy with that.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

First injection tonight!

So I've started my next ivf cycle! Feeling a lot better after a crappy month or so. My HCG was "less than 2" yesterday and AF also arrived at last (one week late). So glad to be getting on with things!

I'm doing a "flare cycle", where I do Gonal-f injections from Day 2 (today) and then add in an injection of Centrotide from Day 6. My scan is next Friday (Day 10) to see how many follicles I am growing and how big they are. Hopefully a decent number (but not too many!) and a decent and uniform size.

Unlike a lot (most?) clinics, mine is light-on on the scans and also doesn't do blood tests for estrogen etc. But sometimes (not very often mind you) I think that isn't such a bad thing, less to know is less to worry about. But other times I think that knowledge is power and I'm one of those people who is info-hungry. I research almost EVERYTHING I do, and don't like the unknown. According to a recent Myers Briggs personality testing I did (at a uni course I'm doing) I'm a natural planner. Kinda good since I am the Manager (Program Planning) where I work. But it does make life difficult at times, especially when infertility means I can't plan the MAJOR part of my life where I was supposed to have finished having my babies by now.

But we're working on it...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Not much news

So today my hcg level was 10. It has dropped from 11 two days ago. Big whoop. So over this, beginning to get really cynical and hard-nosed. At the moment I don't give a fuck about anything or anyone except DH. He is the only light in my life at the moment and without him, I truly think I wouldn't have much going for me.

Sorry for this post, I really shouldn't be writing anything when I am feeling so awfully terrible and pathetic. I'm sure things must get better tomorrow.

BTW, I had to tell the nurse how things should proceed from here. She was umming and ahhing about what to do. I said I'd ring when AF turned up or she didn't show I should get another hcg test in a week. She said that sounded like a good idea. It's sad I know so well now what the process is. Mind you, my hcg levls have usually made it to the hundreds or thousands before fading away! At least the uncertainty didn't last as long this time.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Update on HCG level

Just thought I'd let you know that my hcg level today at 16dpo was 11. Way, way too low. My Progesterone (I asked to have it checked) was 19.5. I have to have another blood test on Monday to make sure it's falling. But of course I did another hpt today and it was slightly darker. I just want it to go down, but now I'm worried it will keep going slowly up and this will be another painful, drawn out process. I am crossing my fingers that it isn't an ectopic.

Friday, October 8, 2010

This stressful life

I haven't posted for ages. Life is pretty stressful lately so I really have nothing much positive to post. I feel like a whinger when I just do negative posts, but I don't think things are going to get much better any time soon, so I'm posting now.

We had a really bad weekend a couple of weeks ago. On the Friday night we got a call from DH's8yo son who lives with us 50% of the time and the other 50% with his mum and his stepdad. His stepdad had lost his temper and hit him. Long story short, his mum and him ended up at our house that night and the police became involved. My stepson is living with us fulltime now u til things are sorted out. Love having him, but things are pretty stressfull.

On the Sunday of the same weekend we popped out to the supermarket and came home 40 minutes later to a flooded house. A pipe had burst in the upstairs ensuite and flooded half of the house. The insurance company have been great and we are slowly getting thing fixed. We had to move out for a couple of nights as the water had got into the electrics in the ceiling downstairs and it was unsafe.

Lastly, I have been away in Western Australia this week for work and on my first night there I did a HPT and got an extremely faint BFP. I was so so excited as this month we've been on a break so it was a natural BFP. I didn't think they were possible anymore. But it looks like it is going to be a chemical. The line got slightly darker the next day, then lighter again yesterday. I'm now 15dpo and no AF but should have a nice dark line by now. I'm going for a blood test tomorrow. I think my hcg will be back to zero by then.

It's made me really sad. I've been pregnant 5 times now and still no baby. I think there's something wrong that is making the embryos not be able to implant. I am sick of the feelings of excitement and hope being followed by these feelings af sadness, anger and desparation.