Saturday, October 23, 2010

Scanning and waiting...

Just a little update. I had a scna yesterday to see how my lining is going and how many follicles are growing. I was kinda disappointed though. My LHS ovary has only produced one follicle and it is 15mm. And it really HURTS! My other ovary has produced two 12mm follicles and four that are under 10mm. I was hoping for more, and that they would be more uniform in growth. Scanning again on Monday to see how things are progressing. My lining is trilaminar and 10mm and so I am happy with that.


  1. Fingers crossed hon that things improve and all the eggs on the other side can catch up and give you about 6 or so goodies! GOOD LUCK!!

  2. I understand your disappointment. At my first scan in my recent stim cycle i had a similar result - only four follicles over 10mm and they varied greatly in size. At my next scan though, many smaller follicles had caught up. Based on my first scan I was expecting to get only four eggs. Actually we ended up with 11 (of which 7 fertilised). I hope that, like me, you get a much better outcome than expected based on this scan. Glad to hear the lining is looking good.
