Thursday, December 30, 2010

Finally a picture!

You may remember that when I had my emergency scan last week they couldn't get the pictures to burn to a CD so I still had no pics even after three scans (I know a lots of people don't even get a scan until 12 weeks so I am counting myself lucky even though I am still whinging). Well anyway the ultrasound technician took my phone number and said she'd get someone else to have a go and they'd ring me. It was apparently a new machine and they hadn't worked out how to save images to a disc.

No one rang so I rang yesterday and the receptionist said she'd look into it and get back to me. No phonecall, so I rang back again today. Oops, she'd forgotten but today she rang me back and said she had a CD of photos for me. I decided to go in and collect it (because I'm too impatient to wait for it to come in the post). Then I took the CD up to a photo shop to get some print outs. But the computer at the shop couldn't read any of the files, so no print outs. So I came home and tried on the laptop. Success, BUT, they are really poor quality pics, can't even read the text on them, so I don't think they have still figured out how to save the pics to a disc properly yet.

But anyway, for your fuzzy, pixilated viewing pleasure, here is a pic of Little M at 10w1d. Hopefully I'll get some more pics next week at my NT scan.


  1. YAY, that is so exciting, its a baby (in amongst that polar bear in a snow storm LOL) Congrats.

  2. What a GREAT picture!! Do you have an appointment for your NT scan yet?

  3. Oh how gorgeous! And I can't believe you're only a week away from 12 weeks, that is absolutely fantastic. Luv Tan
