I've had two appointments since I last wrote, one with the obs and one with the midwife. My blood test results were all very good - no gestational diabetes and blood count was high (whatever that means). My obs did a quick scan and measured Little M's head to check how she was growing. She has fallen a little bit more behind, but he wasn't worried at all, so I'm not worrying either. She'd actually measuring 2 weeks behind if you go by my ivf dates, but only 1 week behind if you go by my 12wk and 20wk scan dates (which is The Due Date that is used). At my midwife appointment last week, my fundal height had increased since the last measurement, blood pressure was good and her heart was beating away nicely at 144bpm.
I also had to see the GP late last week because I have a lovely cold and need a medical certificate to have a sick day off work. Glad I went because it turns out I actually have an infected sinus on one side so am now on antibiotics. I also mentioned to him that my nephew has chicken pox and so then I had to have a blood test done to check I am immune. I am, so all good there.
My 3D scan was a bit disappointing after all the
anticipation. Little M was facing my back, head up, kind of curled up in a ball. She had her hands and arms over her face for all of the scan except for about 4 seconds. The images were quite distorted, so we didn't get any good pics at all. I'm not sure if they were distorted because I'm overweight or for other reasons. Anyway, apart from getting crappy images, it was lovely to see her moving around, even though she just appeared as a blobby thing. This is the best picture we got and it was in the brief few seconds that she moved her arms away from her head.

My trip to Cairns went pretty well. I was dreading the flights up and back, but they weren't too bad. I normally get really bad Restless Legs Syndrome within 15 minutes of being on a plane, but weirdly I didn't get it at all for any of my flights this time. The meeting was as expected, I've come back with quite a few follow-ups to complete as usual. My friend came and picked me up on the Thursday arvo and then I spent three nights with her and her family up in the Tablelands. I can't say it was super-relaxing, as she has a 7yo, 5yo and 18mth old, all who were competing for my attention. We did get to do a bit of sight-seeing and it was lovely spending some time together. I missed my DH incredibly and spent the whole time wishing he was there with me. I hate being apart from him even for one day, pathetic I know. I'm even missing him right now, even though he is in the next room sleeping after night shift.
The big event of the past week was my Baby Shower. We decided to hold it before my mum (and dad) left for their 100 day trip to mainland Australia (they went two days ago). So we had it last Wednesday night. I've never even been to a baby shower, so I was a bit nervous. My sister organised it all, with a bit of help from my MIL. She was nervous too as she'd never been to one either and now she was organising one! I think we had about 20 people there, a big mix with a few people who didn't know many others. My dear friend tasivfer was very brave to come along, since she knew no one at all. I know it was probably very hard for her and I really appreciated having her there. I invited two friends whose husbands work with my husband. I didn't know until they turned up that they weren't talking to each other...hmmm, slightly uncomfortable (and childish?), but I didn't let it worry me.
So we played a few games (quickest/neatest cloth nappy on a teddy, longest list of baby-related words, collecting the most paperclips by claiming them off someone who said the word 'baby', recalling the most baby items on a tray) and ate and drank and of course opened the presents. To be honest, I was totally embarrassed by the number of presents I received. The table was groaning under the weight of baskets, bags and packages and it took me a fair time to unwrap them all. I had wanted to write "no presents" on the invite, but my sister and MIL wouldn't let me. I was given a great array of gifts, including teddy bears, dolls, books, puzzles, nappies, wipes, baby powder, baby lotions and potions, lamp, clothes, wraps, toys, coathangers, bath thermometer, bibs, blankets, sunscreens for the car, nail clippers, hairbrush and comb, booties, washers, beanies and socks. Totally spoilt.
Next exciting things on the horizon are starting our antenatal classes on 1 June. I'm actually looking forward to them. I have also booked in to do the Calmbirth course as well. This is because I am pretty nervous about the whole labour and birth thing and not sure how I'm going to cope. So me being me, I want to equip myself with as much info and tools as possible to use. The calmbirth classes use visualisation, relaxation and breathing techniques to help you cope with labour. Sounds a bit airy fairy, but I've had several mummies recommend it to me and I'm willing to try anything.
My other big milestone is finishing work. I have five weeks left and cannot wait to finish up. Lots to do in that five weeks though. Eeek, getting toward the exciting and nerve-wracking pointy end!
Firstly, I have to say, the hubby related part of your post could very well have been me writing it - I feel the same way about Richard. It's good to know that it doesn't always go away - I keep getting told it will (although I was beginning to wonder after a year of living together when exactly that would happen!!!).
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on getting to 30 weeks!!! A huge milestone for you and single digits indeed to count down.
LOL at the presents though - the thing is that most of us love the opportunity to buy presents for babies. Even though it pains me inside wondering when it'll be my turn, I can't help but get a little excited when buying baby stuff for others. Let's face it, that old adage, "laugh and the whole world laughs with you" is pretty spot on when it comes to babies - we all want to be part of the 'happy'.
It hasn't faded for us so far Ree, and it's been 3.5 years. If anything, it's become stronger. I don't reckon it will fade for you and Richard either. We're lucky girls you and I to have found our wonderful men.