The ultrasound lady was lovely. But the baby is definitely measuring behind. Her head and limbs are measuring at around 33 weeks (3 weeks behind) and her tummy at around 32 weeks (4 weeks behind). Her blood flow and heart were looking really good though. So a smaller tummy usually indicates that the placenta is not working properly and she is not getting enough nutrition. Sometime it apparently starts breaking down before it makes it to 40 weeks and this is what has probably happened. According to the ultrasound she is about 2.1kg or about 4lbs12oz. So little. The good news is that we got to (finally) confirm that she is a she (I've been worrying that she is going to turn out to be a he). Plus we got some good ultrasound photos at last...

So next step is to go into the hospital on Sunday to be hooked up and baby monitored for a little while. If I feel decreased movement over the weekend I am to go in to get checked. Then we have a follow-up appointment with the obstetrician on Monday arvo to discuss what the plan is. On the phone he said the most likely scenario is that I will be induced probably next week. Eeeeeeek! Don't feel mentally prepared for this at all, but at the same time I am very excited to have our baby out early.
Will keep you posted...
OMG!!!!! Fingers crossed
I've been thinking of you!! I hope yesterday's monitoring and class went well - and hope today's appointment is good!