Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Next steps

As I said before, we've got no more frozen embryos left. I really hadn't thought past what would happen if we got through all our frosties and still weren't pregnant. I thought for sure that I'd be grinning my way through a pregnancy by now. But not to be, so it's back to do another "fresh" cycle.

I rang the clinic yesterday to let them know that my period had arrived. A couple of hours later one of the nurses rang back to tell me that my FS had suggested I go straight into a flare cycle, which would mean starting my injections today. But I'm just getting over a very nasty flu and now I have a chest infection, so we decided to wait another month until I am really well again. It really wasn't an easy decision to make, as both DH and I hate waiting and are both very impatient. I hate "wasting" another month, but we had to make the sensible decision.

So now I am going to concentrate on getting well again and maybe even losing a couple of kg. I haven't been this sick for a long time and have had 8 days off work with it. So I think it will take me a bit of time to recover. One thing I am really having to learn on this infertility journey is patience! Certainly not one of my strengths, but I don't have much choice.


  1. The waiting bit is the part I STILL haven't learned. :-/ But waiting and getting your health back certainly sounds like the smart thing to do! ((HUGS))

  2. That sucks! Hope you get over the flu quickly and can get going again and hopefully you'll feel healthy and refreshed after a month off.

  3. I can imagine that decision must have been a hard one to make. The waiting and the passing of months is absolute torture. It sounds like it was the right decision though, and a month will go by quickly. Hope you get well soon.
