Sunday, December 26, 2010

Scary times

On Thursday, after writing here how everything was going so well on Wednesday, I woke up to bleeding and mild cramping. So far this pregnancy I have had very little cramping (unlike my unsuccessful miscarriage pregnancies where I've had cramping from day dot). Of course We tried to find the heartbeat with the Doppler and couldn't. I immediately thought the worst and went into panic mode. I tried to get into my obs (not in), gp (no appointment free) and I knew my RE was already on holidays, probably sipping wine in his apartment in France. So we decided to go into Emergency to see if we could get a scan to find out what was going on (or else it would be a miserable wait until 31st when I have my obs appt).

We went into Emergency at one of the private hospitals because although you have to pay, generally the wait is much less than the public hospital (plus you don't have to put up with bogans in the waiting room). There was a little wait until we saw the dr, but she immediately ordered a scan for me and was very lovely. I had some blood taken and I drank a few glasses of water then the ultrasound technician came and got us. We were both feeling terribly nervous while we waited, expecting the worst but hoping for the best.

First she did an external scan. It was very hard to see, but I could see a heartbeat! Then she confirmed there was a heartbeat (phew) but couldn't take any measurements because the image wasn't clear enough. We could see bubs moving around though, so we were feeling VERY relieved. She then did an internal scan and the picture was so much clearer! We could even see little fingers. Little M was measuring 9w4d (I was 10w1d) but apparently they can be out by up to a week, so no cause for concern. Heart was beating at 140bpm.

At the end of the scan, I asked if we could get any pictures. Sure, she would burn us a disc. Back to wait in our room in emergency feeling so much happier. Dr came and confirmed to us that everything was good and said that at this stage the uterus is preparing to move up and this can cause the cramping and bleeding. Then the ultrasound technician came in and told us she couldn't burn the photos onto the disc as it kept coming up with an error message. Third scanand still no photos! Grr!!

Friday morning and still couldn't find a heartbeat. Christmas Day morning and I put to doppler to my belly and immediately heard the sound of Little M, a tiny train puffing away. Such a beautiful sound. No nausea for the past couple of days (or much tiredness) but today I have woken up feeling like I have a hangover. All is well again. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are all well. Take it easy and before you know it you will be holding that precious little bubba
