Thursday, November 25, 2010


It was a super-dooper quick scan, but that's ok because we got to see a teeny tiny heart beat! At first we could only see the sac and a bit of a blob. But after maybe 10 seconds of looking (the longest 10 seconds of my life!) he said "There it is!" Of course it immediately disappeared, probably because I suddenly had to breathe very deeply. Then he took another 20 seonds to find it again (with me trying to hold my breath and not move at all) and we could see a few pixels flashing on and off at the bottom of the sac.

I think I was in shock afterwards and I couldn't talk or I would have burst into tears as we walked down the street. Now I'm feeling pretty happy (oh these rollercoaster emotions!).

We still get another scan on Monday (on a different machine in his office, apparently better for early pregnancy scans). He said he'll measure the heart rate then and we'll get a print out of a picture of our little grain of rice.

Big Breaths!!


  1. Yippie for a little tiny heartbeat!

  2. Take a flash drive!!! Even better than a print out of your little one he'll give you a jpg - and then you can share it with US!! :-)

    So wonderful to hear all is well!!

  3. Flash drive, great tip! Will do that for sure. Ta :-)

  4. That's wonderful!
